Climate Action Week

As part of Climate Action Week the children in the Junior Room tuned in to Green Schools HQ on Wednesday the 4th of October for storytime with Oisín McGann author and illustrator of ‘We Want Our Park Back’. The pupils were able to draw along with Oisín while also learning about Climate Change.

On the same day the pupils in the Senior Room joined Oisín McGann for a webinar titled ‘A Short Hopeful Talk about Climate Change’. After the webinar the pupils chose their own Climate Pledges – small things they can do to reduce their carbon footprints.

Project on Climate Change

WORDS IN MOTION – Climate of Hope; Protect, Preserve, Participate.

As part of an initiative organised by Galway County Library we are delighted to welcome poet and author Geraldine Mills to our school. Starting on Wednesday 13th of October Geraldine is guiding the pupils in the senior room in crafting and writing an original collective poem and also individual poems on climate change. The pupils are working with Geraldine over the course of 3 Wednesdays (Oct 13th, 20th and Nov 3rd).