Library Van.

All of the pupils love when the library van arrives at the school. It’s a fantastic service that gives the children the opportunity to browse and choose books for the school library. The library van arrived on Thursday of this week amid the chaos of preparations for the Christmas play later in the evening and just before MĂșinteoir Peter arrived for the weekly German lesson. However each of the pupils still managed to have a few minutes in the calm of the library van to pick out books that will add to the reading material in the school library for the New Year.

The Book Fair is here!

The Book Fair books were delivered to the school on Thursday amid great excitement. The pupils enjoyed browsing, choosing and buying their favourites. The books will remain in the school until Friday the 8th of September. If anyone would like to purchase books during the week please contact the school.

Book Fair.

We are hosting a Book Fair on Friday the 1st of December. Parents are welcome to visit the school throughout the day to buy books. The books will remain in the school until the 8th of December if pupils want to buy books next week. Please click here to see what titles will be available to buy at the Fair.

Visit to Westside Library.

On Thursday the 8th of December the pupils in the Senior Room went to visit Westside Library. They had a wonderful day! To start with, one of the librarians talked to them about the library, how it works and the services they have to offer. Many of the pupils are already members of the library and they were able to bring their library cards with them on the day. All those who weren’t already members were able to join and get library cards of their own.

After learning all about the library the children got to make elf bookmarks and also to build a Christmas themed piece of lego art!

Then they got to meet the Mayor of Galway, Clodagh Higgins!

Finally, everyone got a chance to browse and choose books to borrow and take home to read.

Sincere thanks to everyone at Westside Library for making this such a special day. Go to Galway County Library online to see all of the services that the library has to offer.